It’s always a happy time when the latest State of the Developer Nation arrives at the SlashData offices.
This edition is different.
Not only because the offices are now our homes but because we hope that the results can help you with your developer program efforts and marketing.
You can download and go through the report with a cup of coffee/tea.
In the meantime, let’s see some highlights from it:
JavaScript remains the most popular programming language, with more than 12M developers worldwide using it. #ProgrammingLanguages
Python added 2.2M net new developers in 2018 and surpassed Java in terms of popularity. It is now the second-largest programming language community overall. #ProgrammingLanguages
3 out of 5 developers contribute to open-source software #OpenSource
46% of developers using CI/CD tools work for firms with 20 or more people involved in software development #DevOps
22% of AR & VR non-developers are learning how to code. The most popular languages for this group are Java, C++ and C#. #ARVR
ML developers working with big data and deep learning frameworks are more likely to deploy their code on hybrid and multi clouds #MachineLearning
There are more insights and a full analysis of the latest trends in the full report.
