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Access & share knowledge

Learning & training, data & resources, contribute and connect with peers and industry leaders.

What you get

Join the community and benefit from: 

  • Learning & Training Join community-led events and programs 

  • Data & Resources Access numerous resources and data to elevate your understanding of developers

  • Connect Create meaningful connections with peers and make the most out of learning opportunities with field experts

  • Contribute Share your ideas and take an active role in shaping the future of the DevRelX community

Community Voice

Our Community Members share their views on key DevRel Topics

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Stay Connected

Why wait for new resources and news to come your way when you can stay in the loop and discuss your new findings with other industry stars?

Community Members

Developer Marketing professionals 
Developer Relations professionals
Developer Advocates
Developer Evangelists
Program Managers
VPs / CxOs 

Fill in the form below to join the community

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